
Miloš Petković


Miloš Petković je rođen 11.10.1991. u Aleksincu, Srbija.


Miloš Petković je član Francuske Asocijacije Računovođa (AFC - Association Francophone de Comptabilité) od januara 2019 godine.


Miloš Petković je doktor menadžment nauka Laboratorije za istraživanja u finansijama  i menadžment naukama, Fakulteta za menadžment (Graduate School of Management of Nice), Univerziteta Sophia Antipolis u Nici, Francuskoj. Tema njegove disertacije je: "Kako investicije u intelektualni kapital utiču na knjigovodstvenu vrednost Francuskih kompanija." Na Fakultetu za menadžment u Nici radio je kao Asistent od 2016. do 2019 godine. Stipendista je Francuske Vlade, kao i Ministarstva omladine i sporta, Fonda za mlade talente - Dositeja za doktorske i master inostrane studije.


U periodu od 2017 do 2018 godine, bio je angažovan kao Istraživač Asistent na istraživačkom projektu koje je finansiralo Ministarstvo finansija, Republike Francuske na Fakultetu Sorbonne Business School, Univerziteta Pariz 1 Pantheon Sorbona.


Svoje prve master studije završio je 2015. godine na Ekonomskom fakultetu, Univerziteta u Beogradu na međunarodnom master programu "Makroekonomija privreda u tranziciji". Ovaj program se organizuje zajedno sa Ekonomskim Fakultetom (Institut Superieur d'Economie et Management) Univerzitetom Sophia Antipolis u Nici. Svoje druge master studije završio je 2016.godine iz "Međunarodnog biznisa" na Fakultetu za menadžment, Univerziteta Sophia Antipolis u Nici, Francuskoj kao stipendista Francuske Vlade za menadžment nauke. 


Diplomirao je na Ekonomskom fakultetu, Univerziteta u Nišu na smeru za "Računovodstvo, reviziju i finansijsko upravljanje" 2014. godine. 


Profesionalno je radio u reviziji i u konsaltingu. Govori tečno engleski i francuski jezik.                               


  • Doktorska disertacija
    Fakultet za menadžment, Univerzitet Sofia Antipolis Nica, Francuska,
    Računovodstvene norme i indikatori performansi, 2016-2019
  • Master studije
    Fakultet za menadžment, Univerzitet Sofia Antipolis Nica, Francuska,
    Međunarodni Biznis, 2015-2016
  • Master studije
    Ekonomski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu,
    Makroekonomija privreda u tranziciji, 2014-2015
  • Osnovne studije
    Ekonomski fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu,
    Računovodstvo, revizija i finansijsko upravljanje, 2010-2014


  • Petković, M., DIGITALNO UPRAVLJANJE LJUDSKIM RESURSIMA, Univerzitet Singidunum, 2023
  • Kouveliotis, K., Ibeh, L., Bremer, K., Younas, Z., Cuong, N., Fountis, A., Kiousis, K., Vozar, E., Petković, M., The Meta-Globalisation Era: Challenges and Perspectives, Berlin School of Business and Innovation, Berlin, Germany, 2023

Radovi u časopisima:

  • Petković, M., Luty, P., Mizdraković, V., Corporate news disclosure on intangible assets during the COVID-19 crisis in pharmaceutical companies, Theoretical Journal of Accounting, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 155 - 172, Mar, 2024
  • Petković, M., What are successful environmental technologies that S&P 500 companies invest in order to drive the energy transition and sustainability? Application of artificial intelligence (AI) tool, Ecologica, Vol. 31, No. 113, pp. 67 - 74, Mar, 2024
  • Petković, M., How does artificial intelligence influence on company’s green intellectual capital?, Ecologica, Vol. 30, No. 112, pp. 541 - 548, Dec, 2023
  • Petković, M., Djordjevic, Dj., RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INVESTMENTS IN INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL AND TOTAL BOOK VALUE, The European Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 12 - 28, Sep, 2023
  • Petković, M., Corporate News Disclosure and Competitive Advantage: What Factors Influence S&P 500 Companies’ Competitive Advantage During 2022 Economic Crisis?, Economic Analysis, pp. 32 - 43, Mar, 2023
  • Petković, M., What are the drivers of competitive advantage coming from green intellectual capital during 2022 global economic crisis?, Ecologica, Vol. 30, No. 109, pp. 81 - 88, Mar, 2023
  • Luty, P., Petković, M., Vavrek, R., Applying Benfordʼs Law on assessing the reliability of financial information in European companies from the rental and leasing sector before and after the adoption of IFRS 16, Theoretical Journal of Accounting, Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 51 - 68, Dec, 2022
  • Petković, M., What do the biggest US banks disclosure about green intellectual capital in the period of COVID-19 crisis?, Ecologica, Vol. 29, No. 107, pp. 315 - 323, Sep, 2022
  • Luty, P., Petković, M., Does Adoption of Latest Modifications of IAS 16 Influence on Company’s Profitability? Evidence from European Companies, European Research Studies Journal, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, pp. 899 - 917, Sep, 2021
  • Petković, M., Krstić, B., Rađenović, T., INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL INVESTMENTS AS THE DRIVER OF FUTURE COMPANY PERFORMANCE, Ekonomika, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 1 - 11, Jul, 2021
  • Petković, M., Relationship Between Investments Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance: Evidence from Serbian Hotel Industry 2013–2017, Scientific Journal of Business & Innovation, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 13 - 18, Jun, 2021
  • Petković, M., Đorđević, M., Intellectual Capital Investments and Company’s Profitability: French Context, Economic Analysis, Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 104 - 117, May, 2021
  • Pap, E., Petković, M., Simićević, A., MEASURING DISTRIBUTION OF INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL COMPONENTS CONTRIBUTION: FRENCH CONTEXT, The European Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 1 - 14, Apr, 2021
  • Albertini, E., Berger-Remy, F., Lefrancq, S., Morgana, L., Petković, M., Walliser, E., Voluntary disclosure and intellectual capital: how CEOs mobilise discretionary accounting narratives to account for value creation stemming from intellectual capital, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 687 - 705, Mar, 2021
  • Pavlović, V., Knežević, G., Petković, M., The impact of intellectual capital on financial performance in the fishing industry: evidence from France, Custos e Agronegócio on line, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 445 - 467, Jan, 2021
  • Petković, M., Džamić, V., Theoretical determination of green intellectual capital, Ecologica, Vol. 27, No. 100, pp. 668 - 673, Nov, 2020
  • Petković, M., Knežević, G., Pavlović, V., Where did the competitive advantage of French wineries come from? Insight in the effect of intellectual capital structure on financial performances, Custos e Agronegócio on line, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 462 - 480, Sep, 2020
  • Petković, M., Krstić, B., Rađenović, T., ACCOUNTING-BASED VALUATION METHODS OF INTANGIBLE ASSETS: THEORETHICAL OVERVIEW, Ekonomika, Vol. 66, No. January-March, 1, pp. 1 - 12, Apr, 2020
  • Radivojević, V., Krstić, B., Krstić, M., Petković, M., Benchmarking Agricultural and Other Environmental Performances of Central and Eastern European Countries, Ekonomika poljoprivrede, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 471 - 485, Apr, 2019

Radovi na konferencijama:

  • Petković, M., Jambal, E., Mesa, J., Emdadi, F., THE ODYSSEY OF STRATEGIC INVESTING IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) STARTUPS, pp. 131 - 136, Dec, 2023
  • Krstić, B., Rađenović, T., Petković, M., Razvoj Intelektualnog Kapitala Regiona u Cilju Jačanja Konkurentnosti, Oct, 2020
  • Pap, E., Petković, M., Simićević, A., Stanišić, S., Digitalization and smart financial reporting, Importance of Intellectual Capital Components in Management Decision-Making Processes of French Companies: An Empirical Study Using Shapley’s Value and Lambda Fuzzy Measurement Method, Dec, 2019
  • Albertini, E., Berger-Remy, F., Lefrancq, S., Morgana, L., Petković, M., Walliser, E., An exploratory survey of digital capital as envisioned by CEOs, Jun, 2019
  • Krstić, B., Petković, M., Radivojević, V., The Concept of Intellectual Capital in Non-Profit Organizations, Jun, 2019
  • Albertini, E., Berger-Remy, F., Lefrancq, S., Morgana, L., Petković, M., Walliser, E., Revisiter le capital immatériel à l'ère post-industrielle, May, 2019
  • Albertini, E., Berger-Remy, F., Lefrancq, S., Morgana, L., Walliser, E., Petković, M., A new typology of intellectual capital in the post-industrial era, Mar, 2019
  • Albertini, E., Berger-Remy, F., Lefrancq, S., Morgana, L., Petković, M., Walliser, E., A fresh look at intellectual capital in the post-industrial era, pp. 1 - 63, Dec, 2018
  • Petković, M., Intangible assets, Intellectual capital and Balanced Scorecard for the 13th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Intangibles and Intellectual capital, Ancona, Italy, Sep, 2017
  • Petković, M., Intangible Assets and Performance Measurement Systems, Doctorale Seminare IAE France, Paris, France, Mar, 2017

Ostali radovi:

  • Petković, M., Obradović, A., Adoption of IFRS or US GAAP on intangible assets and the potential effect on the final result. A theoretical overview, Tax Avoidance, Accounting and Financial Reporting - The Perspective of the Visegrad Group Countries and SerbiaPublisher: Publishing House of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, pp. 18 - 35, Publishing House of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Jan, 2022
  • Petković, M., Krstić, B., EMPIRICAL CALCULATION OF ASSET VALUE COMING FROM RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT EXPENSES: CASE OF FRENCH RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TESTING SERVICES COMPANIES, IMPROVING ENTERPRISE COMPETITIVENESS - ‐ Thematic collection of papers of international significance‐ Niš, 2019, pp. 157 - 172, Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Serbia, Niš, Sep, 2019
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