Lazar Dražeta
- Dipl Ing i Magistar Nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu, Republika Srbija
- Doktor Nauka Massey Univerziteta, Novi Zeland
Sertifikovani trener/coach za programe:
- Passion to Lead (Hay Group);
- Strength Development Inventory, SDI® (Personal Strengths Central and Eastern Europe);
- Enabling Fast Change (Coca-Cola Hellenic);
- COBRA - Integrisani sistem menadžmenta (Coca-Cola Hellenic); Novi Zeland
Trener/coach za programe Lean menadžmenta:
- Lean proizvodnja; 5S; SMED; Rešavanje problema (Coca-Cola Hellenic);
Učešće na trening programima:
- Train the Trainer 1 & 2; Advanced Facilitation Skills; Coaching Skills, Influencing Skills;
- Situational Leadership; Project Management; 7 Habits of Effective People;
- Time Management; Finance for Non-finance; Professional Selling System;