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Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics

Singidunum University is the leading higher education institution in the region educating tourism and hospitality experts. Four-year studies at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management are designed to meet the needs of those who have decided to pursue a successful career in the tourism industry - currently the most wide-spread and the fastest growing industry worldwide.

The teaching process at this study programme is based on a multidisciplinary approach. Namely, particular attention is devoted to gaining knowledge and skills in the field of economics, IT and foreign language learning. Internship is an integral part of this study programme. The study programme Tourism and Hospitality will give students the opportunity to develop professional and personal skills, and successfully prepare for the leading positions in their respective fields. Besides available elective options related to tourism and hospitality, we have also started educating experts in the field of food economics.


To prepare future professionals with the knowledge, skills, and ethical principles necessary to lead sustainable development in the tourism and hospitality sector while addressing global challenges.

Besides the currently available options within the study programme Tourism and Hospitality, Singidunum University has started educating experts in the field of food economics. In addition to the general courses related to economics and tourism, the students who choose this option will attend some expert courses, such as restaurant industry, international gastronomy, food technology, food and sustainable development, principles of recreation and nutrition etc. The students at the study option Food Economics should become conversant with microbiological, chemical, physical and sensor quality of food. They should also learn about the technological processes of food production, their nutritive value, the system of food quality in restaurants and retail chains, cultural and geographic aspects of food. Apart from that, they shall also acquire necessary knowledge and skills in the fields of economics, in order to be able to successfully manage food distribution and sales.

United Nations World Touristic Organization awards quality certificates to Bachelor and Master study programs in Tourism and Hospitality.


Pre-admission Form
for Serbian Citizens

Pre-admission Form
for Foreign Citizens

According to the survey conducted among the graduates who are members of the ALUMNI association, the students who successfully complete this programme can seek employment in various fields:

  • Tourist guide
  • Sales manager in tourist agencies
  • Tourist agency manager
  • Tourist agency marketing manager
  • Planning and analysis sector manager
  • Internal control manager in hotel enterprises
  • Internal audit manager in hotel enterprises
  • Receptionist
  • Front office manager
  • Food and Beverages Sector Manager
  • Marketing and Sales Sector Manager
  • Hotel General Manager
  • Assistant General Manager
  • Rent-a-car Agency Manager
  • Airline manager
  • Catering Manager
  • Global Distribution System Manager
  • Cruise Company Manager
  • Tourism Organization Manager
  • Associate in local, regional and national tourist organizations
  • Wellness Center Manager
  • Convention Bureau Manager
  • National Park Manager
  • Aqua Park Manager
  • Theme Park Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Tourism Sector Executive within transport company
  • Ethno Village Manager
  • Commercial Operations Executive within transport company
  • Corporate Travel Manager
  • Destination Management Company Manager
  • Associate for tourism related issues in public sector
  • Associate-public event planning
  • Teacher in vocational secondary schools
  • Restaurant and Catering Manager
  • Assosciate in cultural institutions
  • Public Relations Manager
  • Human Resources Manager

hat Tuition fee for this study program in English is 3900 € for 60 ECTS, paid in RSD.

books Course materials are included in the tuition fee.

After online application, the candidate receives an email with the parameters with which he will be able to log in to the entrance exam platform: Link. After registering on the mentioned platform, the candidate will be able to access the necessary material for preparing the entrance exam.

hatUpon successful completion of studies, the students shall be awarded an academic title of Bachelor of Science in Economics (BSc in Economics).


This study programme comprises three modules:
  • T Tourism
  • H Hospitality
  • E Food Economics
I year

Acquisition of the basic knowledge of economics, on the level of micro and macro economy by introduction to the economic theory, models and practice. Capacity to understand the key microeconomic phenomena and processes, as well as aggregate analysis of economics, i.e., its functioning.

Providing students with the scientific and theoretical basis for understanding the origin, nature and laws of the human society development. Understanding the categorical apparatus of the science of sociology, introducing the basic theoretical orientations in sociology, structural elements of society, the processes of social development and methodology of the research on social practice.

The main objective of the course is to introduce students to the basic terms and categories of economics applied in the field of tourism, as well as to its organization in certain countries. Students also gain basic knowledge about tourism market and trends in international and domestic tourism. Student is enabled to understand the main processes and relations in tourism and to use terminology and methodology in further research in other fields of tourism in the following years of studies, including management, marketing etc.

Learning basic concepts and assertions in the calculus of functions of one and two independent variables, learning matrix, differential and integral calculus, basic probability and statistics in favor of better mastering of economic activities, as well as their follow-up and prognosis Students learn to solve problems related to the application of mathematical models in economics and practice

Acquisition of theoretical and analytical and applied knowledge of accounting methodology, as well as acquisition of knowledge and skills related to the usage of accounting information for the purpose of business decision making process of various users, primarily investors and creditors. By the end of the course, students are expected to acquire the following knowledge and skills:а) due to theoretical lectures, students will be enabled to understand the role of accounting in the context of activity and development of financial markets, as well as the benefits and limits which follow the usage of accounting information;b) due to methodological lectures, students will acquire the register of business changes and creation of financial reports and possibilities and problems which represent a challenge for managers of the hotels and tourism organisations in usage of accounting information.

Introduction to the basis of information technology, hardware and software basis of contemporary computer systems, as well as the phenomenon of networking and the Internet. The basis of computer literacy are acquired through practical lab practices such as operating systems, files management, the usage of programme for text processing and Internet activities. The position of information technology in business environment and its role in business management is discussed and explained. Acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge on hardware, operating systems, application softwares, Internet services and contemporary information and communication technologies.

English Language I is a general English course which systematically covers all basic language structures and skills through a wide range of relevant and thematic materials. Course objective is to improve speaking skills and achieve precision in expression in different situations and on variety of topics. This course prepares students for better understanding of spoken and written language by usage of basic grammar structures.

Introduction to the basis of the Spanih language and culture of Spain and other Spanish – speaking countries, with an emphasis on communicative language functions. Understanding of the texts of shorter and simple form, as well as understanding of the basic context of various contents of conversation with one or more interlocutors. Students are enabled to write essays, notes and descriptions of simple form. Course level is A1 of Common European framework of Reference for Languages. Enabling students to understand and use the expressions in everyday social situations and relations, understanding of the basic context of a text or conversation, as well as essay writing, notes and descriptions of simple form.

Italian language 1 is a multimedia course in Italian language and culture on A1 level of the CEFR which systematically develops all four language skills using modern language and balancing acquisition of communicative and grammar elements. This course should enable students to communicate on a basic level, to exchange information in everyday situations and to communicate their basic needs.

Course objective is the usage of the German language at A1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This course should enable students to communicate on basic levels, to exchange information in everyday situations and to communicate their basic needs.

Acquisition of language skills in Russian on level B2 of the CEFR. The emphasis is on developing four skills, speaking, listening, writing and reading. The objective of the lectures is to enable students to communicate in everyday situations. Acquisition of new vocabulary, reading and translation of texts, precision in speaking, connecting already acquired knowledge with the new material, developing writing skills and summarising.

Course objective is the acquisition of skills and the usage of French in accordance with A1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The focus is on balanced development of all four skills, oral and written understanding and communication. Course includes reading, listening, writing, conversation and acquisition of specific business terminology. Course objective is to enable students to communicate in everyday situations. Course outcome is the acquisition of skills in the usage of French and preparation for DELF exams according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Chinese Language I is a creatively designed multimedia course that focuses on introducing basic rules for reading and writing Chinese characters, phonetic transcription (pinyin), correct pronounciation of phonemes and tones, functional sentence patterns, practical dialogues and the most interesting aspects of Chinese culture, history, philosophy and modern Chinese society. This course aims to develope students’ competence in understanding and using both spoken and written Chinese and to enable them to communicate in real-life situations.

II year

Enabling students to understand the definition of the notion of management and the evolution of the theory of management; to meet main trends in the management of the 21st century; to understand all points related to management (planning, organization, leadership and control); to meet the process of management by working on case studies; to realize the significance of the process of management in enterprises and to take active participation in promoting business processes at their Faculty and University in general. Capacity to apply acquired knowledge of management in solving real business problems and challenges.

Introducing students to the basic postulates and criteria of marketing, as well as enabling them to apply marketing approach in solving business problems. Understanding the key role of marketing in organization. Recognition of needs and wishes of customers, creation of products and services which will meet these needs. The basis of promotion and sales, market segmentation and business differentiation. Students are, in the first place, expected to gain the basis for the understanding of marketing as a business function, as well as to implement the acquired knowledge in practice. Capacity to analyze market on their own, predict supply and demand; understand the role of global market, etc.

Introduction to the basic postulates and preconditions for tourist destination management. Enabling students to understand ways in which competitiveness and sustainability of tourist destination can be achieved. Understanding the process of strategic tourist destination management. Introduction to specific characteristics of some organization forms of tourist destination management with special reference to Serbia. Gaining knowledge for understanding the process of tourist destination management as well as the application of the acquired knowledge in practice. Capacity to use, sustain and improve the basis of strategic tourist destination management with special reference to Serbia.

A detailed study of the system of human resources and human potential management in the hospitality industry. In addition to planning, recruiting, selecting and development of human resources, there is an emphasis on managing activities regarding rewarding, motivating, career management, safety and health care of the employed. Students are expected to develop the ability to create, maintain and improve the human resources management system in the hospitality industry.

The aim of this course is to make the students conversant with socio-cultural and historical aspects of food consumption, as well as with development and specifics of certain international cuisines. Upon successfully mastering the curriculum requirements, the students shall acquire extensive knowledge on the culture and principles of nutrition in various countries worldwide. The expected outcome is to equip students with theoretical and practical knowledge and skills that would lead to better understanding of the geographical, historical, cultural and economic factors shaping the culinary and gastronomic heritage of any country.

Acquisition of the basic and common knowledge of law and state, introduction to the essence of law and its bases, the history of the development of the EU and understanding of historical aspect of the European integrations. Understanding of the main characteristics of the legal system of the European Union and the basic characteristics of organization, authority and ways in which the EU functions. Students will be enabled to explain basic conceptual categories about state and government, law and legal subjectivity, analyze information, consider meanings, causes and correlations of the most important legal-political movements in the state, explain the nature of establishing the EU and the basic characteristics of its legal system, critically analyze functioning of the EU and its institutions, as well as decision making in the EU, estimate the capacity of effectiveness of the EU on the economic and international political plan, predict future developments of the EU and the European integrations, render reasons pro and contra Serbian membership in the EU.

This course introduces space as a general resource and system, as well as tourist resources, their evaluation and significance when it comes to the formation of tourist product and tourism offer in space. Also, students will be introduced to the basis of planning, arrangement and building of tourist spaces. Enabling students to realize the concept of space integrally (area, centre, complex), to analyze and consider the options of development and organization of tourism activities and contents in space, to use spatial and planning documents and to participate in the process of spatial planning.

The aim is to introduce students to the basis and principles of marketing usage in the sector of services as a significant factor in the economy. It implies the analysis of specific features of the service sector, market characteristics of services and the treatment of concrete cases related to the conception of marketing services. Students will be enabled to understand and differentiate services compared to goods and goods market, and capable of analytic usage of services as the instrument of marketing on the level of enterprises and other institutions.

English language 2 is a general English course which systematically covers all basic language structures and skills through a wide range of relevant and thematic material. The objective of the course is reaching higher level of fluency and improvement of speaking skills in various situations on diverse topics. This course prepares students for better understanding of spoken and written language by using complex grammar structures. Students are enabled to master successfully complex language structures of the business English language course which follows.

Reaching level A2 in Spanish according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Preparing students to communicate in different situations, for reading comprehension and writing short essays of descriptive and narrative form in present, future and past tense.

Italian 2 is a multimedia course in the Italian language and culture at intermediate A2 level during which all four language skills are systematically improved using modern language and permanent shifting between communicative and grammar elements. Students should be able to conduct basic communication, to exchange information in everyday situations and to communicate their basic needs.

Acquisition of skills and use of German in accordance with A1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Students should be able to conduct basic communication, to exchange information by using simple language in everyday situation and to communicate basic needs.

Acquiring skills in using the Russian language at the B2 level. The emphasis is placed on equal improvement of all four skills: spoken and written comprehension, spoken and written expression. Student should be able to communicate within everyday basic situations. Acquisition of new vocabulary, appropriate reading and translation of texts, correct speaking, connecting the previously gained knowledge to the new units, acquisition of writing skills and summarizing the previously covered materials.

Acquisition of skills and the use of French in accordance with A2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The focus is on balanced improvement of all four skills: spoken and written understanding and communication. Course includes reading, listening, writing, conversation, and acquisition of basic professional terminology. Students should be able to communicate within everyday situations. Acquisition of sills in using the French language and preparation for DELF exams according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Chinese II is a creatively designed multimedia course that systematically and thoroughly covers basic structures of spoken and written Chinese and analyzes the most interesting aspects of the rich Chinese culture, history, philosophy and modern Chinese society. The course gives students opportunity to learn basics of the Chinese grammar, structure of sentence, reading and writing of several hundreds of the Chinese characters, as well as vocabulary that would enable them to communicate in everyday situations.

III year

The objective of the course is to introduce students to the current characteristics of hotel management and for students to acquire necessary knowledge for conducting proper business operations and functions within hotel and other enterprises. Students should be able to conduct proper business operations and functions within hotel and other enterprises.

Acquisition of basic notion, introduction to business instruments and business operations management in travel agencies and tour operators. Students should master basic notions, business instruments and business operations management in travel agencies and tour operators.

The objective of the course is to introduce students to the method of operation and organisation of financial business in travel and financial organizations Structure of the course is adapted for the purpose of acquiring knowledge and skills with the aim to manage finances in tourism and economics.

The objective of the course is to introduce students to the method of operation and financial business organization in hotel and financial institutions. Structure of the course is adjusted to acquiring knowledge and skills in order to manage modern finances as an economist.

The objective of the course is for students to acquire necessary knowledge about gastronomy as a promising area of human nutrition and life in general, i.e. its significance and application in order for important tourist needs to be met. Students should acquire knowledge about terms (categories), discipline methodology, as well as organisation and practical use of specific principles and procedures within gastronomy.

The aim of this course is to train students to understand, use and apply modern information technologies in the tourism industry. Tourism is affected by the constant changes in information technologies. Tourists, especially Millenials expect from tourism organisations to follow the trends. In this course, students will learn: how Internet evolved to Internet of Things (IoT); what have Cloud Computing services brought to tourism; what to expect from Big Data analytics applications that process data and provide knowledge in real-time; what are domains of artificial intelligence; how to use machine learning algorithms to analyse data; how to design chatbots; what to expect from robots that are applied in tourism and hospitality, and so on. During the labs student will gain skills in: developing databases by Microsoft Access; website development; and booking flights, hotels and cars by using Amadeus GDS.

Introduction of students to the categorical use of marketing in both business and travel policy. Students should understand marketing in tourism and hospitality as an activity, concept, as well as a science or a skill. Students should be able to understand the specific aspects of tourism business as well as of tourism destination and as future managers at all menagment levels (from operational and medium management to strategic and top management) to be able to make rational decisions with positive outcomes in profit of tourism enterprises and tourism destinations, as well as natural and social environment.

Introducing students to professional terminology of disciplines studied within the study programme of Tourism and Hospitality Management. Classes are based on understanding the language and enabling students to use the covered language structures independently and creatively, as well as providing them with the skills to understand history and tourism development, organization and structure of tourism, travel agencies and tour operators business, air, sea and river transport. The course covers all four language skills, with the emphasis on speaking and listening. The activities should enable students to communicate and write with confidence, with the aim of connecting knowledge of the language with personal needs and experience.

Acquiring new communication, grammar and lexical units at the intermediate level (B1.1), according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Introduction to professional terminology. Teaching units are based on perfecting language skills in general and business environment situations. Students should be able to understand the language, to write and speak using present, past and future tenses, both in everyday situations and professional environment.

Italian 3 presents multimedia course from the Italian language and culture at intermediate B1 level where all four language skills are systematically improved with the use of contemporary Italian and constant alternation of communicative and grammatical elements. This course enables students to use contemporary Italian in various, everyday situations, free communication and understanding of the interlocutor when it comes to familiar topics and subjects of interest.

Acquisition of the language at the level А2 in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Language. This course should enable students to understand the German language in various situations, to communicate without hesitation and to understand other speakers when talking about familiar topics.

The objective of the course is to acquire skills in use of the Russian language at the level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The emphasis is placed on equal development of all four skills: spoken and written comprehension, spoken and written expression. The objective is to enable students to communicate in everyday situations. The outcome of the course is to acquire skills in using the Russian language and to enable students to take DELF exam, which is in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the latest CARDC reforms.

Acquisition of skills in using the French Language at the level B 1.1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Language. The emphasis is put on equal improvement of all four skills: spoken and written comprehension, spoken and written expression. Lectures comprise of reading exercises, listening, writing, conversation and acquisition of professional terminology. The objective is to enable students to communicate in situations relating to the profession. Acquisition of skills in use of French and enabling students to take DELF exam, which is in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Language

Chinese 3 is creatively thought-out multimedia course which systematically improves already acquired basis of the written and oral Chinese, enriches vocabulary and analyze in more details grammatical and linguistic structures typical for communication in Chinese. This course also analyzes the most interesting aspects of the rich Chinese culture, history, philosophy ans contemporary Chinese society. Students master more complex syntactic and grammatical structures typical for expressing in Chinese and vocabulary typical for both everyday and business communication


IV year

Introduction of the basic nutrition and sport principles and their practical application. Students will be familiar with the basics of nutrition and sports with the possibility of practical application.

Theoretical and practical enabling students to realize the essence of the concept of consumer behaviour which is seen as a result of an integrated action of numerous internal and external factors. Students should be able to identify needs of the consumers of tourism services and to create and deliver products and services which meet consumers expectations.

The course offers students the opportunity to become familiar with the concept and principles of sustainable tourism development. They should be able to understand the need for cooperation and the possible conflict situations which may arise in the process of the use and protection of natural resources and cultural heritage on the one hand and, sustainable development of tourist destinations on the other hand. The students should also know the basics of environmental protection management and sustainable development of tourist areas. Students are expected to be able to use practically the concept, principles and criteria related to sustainable tourism development; to analyze and always keep in mind the effect which tourism development may have on the natural environment, cultural heritage and the life quality of local communities; students should also be able to participate in the system of natural environment quality management.

Students are introduced theoretically and technically to the complex aspect of hotel designing, building and maintaining of the hotel architecture, as well as to the concept of interior design with all the elements of innovation, protection and redesigning according to the hotel category and project goals. Students should be able to work independently on hotel building projects, to give instructions and know how to organize space and hotel internal traffic.

The aim of the subject is to introduce students theoretically and practically to the basic categories and characteristics of the food used in the hospitality industry and offered to domestic and foreign tourists. Students should increase their theoretical and practical knowledge about foods and become familiar with food preservation and processing.

Students should adopt knowledge from the area of financial and economic analysis of business within private and public tourism sector. They will also be enable to analyse independently balance sheets and income statements as well as to write a business plan. On the basis of theoretical and practical knowledge, on completion of the course students are supposed to take a final exam consisting in the financial analysis of a public or private tourist company - a concrete example.

Students should gain the knowledge of financial and economic analysis of hotel companies. On the basis of theoretical and practical knowledge, students should take a final exam doing a financial performance analysis of a hotel company - a concrete example.

Students will become familiar with the importance and principal characteristics of some specific forms of tourism on the domestic and international market. Specific/selective tourism forms and the determination of their importance for the national economy and tourism development of the country in general. Students should be able to identify specific tourism forms and to recognize their valuable advantages in order to create plans for their development. They should also know how to use the assets of business and tourism policy to position them appropriately on the domestic and international market.

Students should gain the basic knowledge of hotel management and the organization of various service departments. Students will be enabled to master the essence and techniques of managing business processes within the quality management in the hotel industry.

The aim of the course is to enable students to acqire theoretical and practical knowledge on food production and distribution and it's impact on the environment. Upon succeseful course completion, the students should be familliar with the facts of food industry on the environment and the possibility of using green techonologies in manufacturing.

Students are encouraged to expand their vocabulary related to the tourism industry and improve the language skills necessary for effective oral and written communication in the context of: train and road travel, travel documents, tickets, booking, insurance policies, information-consulting services, tourist guide services, promotion and marketing in tourism, travel agencies, etc. On completion of the course, students are expected to have excellent communication skills, to be able to make good judgments and to be independent, i.e. to possess all the qualities demanded by the modern market labour.

The revision of grammar and language structures learned previously. The introduction of new communicative, grammatical and lexical elements in order to reach B1.2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Introduction of the professional terminology from the original Spanish literature examples. Students are expected to participate actively and independently in everyday communication, to be able to express their needs both orally and in written form and to communicate effectively in various situations, both in everyday life situations and in their professional working environment. They are expected to be able to interpret independently business texts, to write business essays, letters and reports.

Italian 4 is a multimedia course in Italian language and culture at B1 level. The course is designed to develop all four language skills in a systematic way by using the contemporary language through the combination of grammar and communication skills elements. This course should enables students to further develop their language skills and deal with various situations. The students are expected to communicate effectively in Italian, especially on a wide variety of familiar topics and the topics of their interest.

Course objective is language skill adoption in order to use German at A2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This course enables students to use contemporary German in various, everyday situations, free communication and understanding of the interlocutor when it comes to familiar topics and subjects of interest.

Course objective is to enable students to use Russian at B2 level (). This course emphasises equal development of all four language skills. Students should be able to communicate effectively and independently in Russian in everyday situations. Course outcome is laguage skills adoption and effective use of the Russian language as well as taking DELF examination according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the latest CARDC reform.

Course objective is to enable students to use French at B2 level (). This course emphasises equal development of all four language skills. Students should be able to communicate effectively and independently in French in everyday situations. The teaching includes reading, listening, writing, conversation and professional vocabulary lectures. Course outcome is laguage skills adoption and effective use of the French language as well as taking DELF examination according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Chinese 3 is creatively thought-out multimedia course which systematically improves already acquired basis of the written and oral Chinese, enriches vocabulary and analyze in more details grammatical and linguistic structures typical for communication in Chinese. This course also analyzes the most interesting aspects of the rich Chinese culture, history, philosophy ans contemporary Chinese society. Students master more complex syntactic and grammatical structures typical for expressing in Chinese and vocabulary typical for both everyday and business communication.

Introducing students to the basic concepts and categories of the applied business skills field with emphasis on concrete business problems, the possible solutions and performance improvement of a chosen company. Students should be able to work independently in economy sector and to practically apply knowledge within professional growth and business skills as well as to apply theoretical knowledge on concrete case studies. Students will be enabled to understand and apply essential business skills and basic regularities for aims fulfillment. They will also understand how important is lifelong learning for achieving business success and positive results as well as the importance of an individual and his/her role as an employee in the economy sector.

* Elective courses depend on the number of candidates