Business Systems in Tourism and Hospitality study program provides candidates with an opportunity to learn from distinguished professors and experts in the field of tourism and hospitality, thus gaining contemporary knowledge for a successful career in hotels, travel agencies, tourism organizations, food and beverage sectors, internal control management, etc. The program is administered both in the Serbian and English language.
The Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management is an affiliate member of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The Singidunum University library being a reference regional electronic library of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has a collection of the best field relevant and scientific literature in the field of tourism and hospitality.
World Tourism Organization awards quality certificates to Bachelor and Master study programs in Tourism and Hospitality.
Upon successfully completing their studies, students gain the title of Master of Science in Economics.
Tuition fee for this study program in English is 4200 € for 60 ECTS, paid in RSD.